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5 Tips for Picking a Great EMR Software - TRIARQ Health

Written by triarqhealth | Jul 29, 2022 3:49:53 PM

EMR software has come a long way since the days of a computer on a desk, terminal, and an internet connection. But not every EMR package is created equal, and for most medical practices and providers, the level of sophistication in an EMR system varies from office to office.

While one medical practice might get by with minimal patient data collection and information exchange capabilities, another might find it impossible to provide proper patient care without an EMR solution that can integrate with other software and connect to medical data sources.

The key is finding the right EMR system for each practice, one that doesn’t just meet their needs today but also adapts to changes in technology and industry standards tomorrow.

Here are 5 tips for finding the perfect EMR for any practice.

1. Cloud-Based EMR With a Convenient Mobile App

Practices should look for an EMR system that is cloud-based so that it’s easy to access from anywhere. Doctors who aren’t at their office will sometimes want to access patient information from a phone or tablet. That means they’ll also want an EMR system compatible with different mobile devices, so they can conveniently keep up with patient records on the go.

Cloud-based EMR can let providers access patient information and charts from anywhere, which means they can easily input new data or make changes on the fly. That saves them time and ensures that patient records are up-to-date. It also means that providers can easily access the chart if a question arises about a certain case or treatment plan.

Providers can also integrate patient portals with their cloud-based EMR practice management solutions to allow patients to access their records, check their appointments, and even submit new data. Staff can use the EMR system to provide patients with a secure portal that lets them view their own information and communicate with their doctors and nurses.

2. Care Management Tools

Look for an EMR system with care management tools, like appointment scheduling and tracking, so it’s easy to keep up with what patients need and when they need it. These features will help ensure patients get the best treatment possible right away — and avoid costly trips to the emergency room or urgent care centers.

Care management tools are also an important way to reduce the cost of care. For example, an EMR system with a care management tool can help identify patients at risk of developing chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease. Once these patients have been identified, providers can create action plans for them to follow. That can help reduce the number of costly ER visits and doctor’s office visits they need in the future.

Another benefit of using the right care management system is that it can help improve patient satisfaction. When providers have ready access to their patients’ medical records, it’s easier to understand what they need and how they feel. They can use this information to create more personalized care plans that meet their needs, leading to happier patients who are more likely to stick with their treatment plans.

3. Streamlined ePrescription Tools and Integration With Controlled Substance Databases

ePrescriptions are a great way to streamline a practice, but they can require a lot of work upfront. Providers often have to input all the information into their practice management software and ensure their staff is trained to use it correctly and efficiently.

Many EMRs have ePrescription integration that allows the practice to set up rules for how prescriptions are entered or even automatically enter them based on information from the patient’s chart. This saves time and ensures that all prescriptions are entered correctly from the start.

By integrating Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMP) with ePrescription tools, healthcare providers can better track their patient’s medications, ensure that patients aren’t overprescribed or misusing medication, and avoid putting patients at risk of dangerous drug interactions. This can also help prevent medical errors due to incorrect prescriptions.

4. Appointment Reminders

It’s no secret that many patients don’t show up for their appointments. This can be frustrating, especially if a staff member has to reschedule the appointment or call the patient to find out why they didn’t show up. The right EMR can fix this.

Another feature that may not be on many practices’ radars is appointment reminders. This helps ensure that no patient misses an appointment because of forgetfulness or confusion about their schedule. It’s a simple but vital tool for increasing efficiency and lowering costs by reducing the number of missed appointments in a practice.

One of the biggest reasons many practices choose an EMR is to simplify their workflow and make it easier for staff members to complete tasks in less time. Using automated appointment reminders can help maintain a consistent schedule and avoid overbooking. It’s easy to miss these critical benefits when using the wrong EMR software.

5. MIPS Support

Medicare created the merit-based incentive payment system (MIPS) to incentivize physicians and clinicians to improve care quality and reduce costs. It rewards providers that achieve high performance in categories such as:

  • Quality of Care
  • Interoperability
  • Patient Experience
  • Clinical Practice Improvement Activities (CPI)
  • Resource Use

As such, a quality EMR software solution needs to support physicians and clinicians in achieving the required measures for MIPS. It should be easy to access and use, allowing them to focus on transforming their practice instead of worrying about whether a particular EMR will support MIPS.

Find the Right EMR Software For Your Practice

So, how can a medical practice ensure they’re choosing the right EMR software for their clinic? It’s all about finding a solution that’s flexible and able to adapt to changing technology and regulations. The best EMR software will meet a given practice’s needs while ensuring compliance with the latest standards and regulations.

At TRIARQ, we offer a cloud-based EMR solution designed to support independent practices, no matter how big or small. Providers can rest assured that their data is secure and compliant with HIPAA standards. We also offer access to a wide range of resources and tools designed to help them get the most out of their EMR software.