The TRIARQ Health Blog

From "Record to Plan": The Future of EMR

Written by Mike Sappington | Nov 8, 2023 12:29:16 PM

As healthcare continues to evolve, medical specialists and independent providers need to embrace new technologies and strategies that can improve patient outcomes, enhance collaboration, and reduce costs. Care plan-centric EMR systems represent a significant step forward, enabling healthcare providers to develop and implement standardized care plans and pathways that enhance care coordination and patient safety.

The Evolution of Electronic Medical Records (EMR):

Electronic medical records (EMR) have become an integral part of modern healthcare delivery. However, traditional EMR systems primarily focus on record-keeping and do not necessarily support clinical decision-making or care coordination.

The Need for a Shift in Focus:

From Record Keeping to Care Planning:

To improve patient outcomes, enhance collaboration, and reduce costs, there is a need to shift focus from record-keeping to care planning. Care plan-centric EMR systems enable healthcare providers to create and implement standardized care plans and pathways that guide clinical decision-making and care delivery.

Care Plans and Care Pathways as the Foundation of Future EMR Systems:

Care plans and care pathways are the foundation of future EMR systems. By integrating care plans and pathways into EMR systems, healthcare providers can facilitate better collaboration across the care continuum, leading to improved patient outcomes, enhanced care coordination, and reduced costs.

Collaborative Care Across the Continuum:

Interoperability and Data Sharing:

Interoperability and data sharing are essential components of care plan-centric EMR systems. Healthcare providers must share patient data across different care settings to facilitate collaboration and improve patient outcomes.

The Benefits of Care Plan-Centric EMR Systems:

Care plan-centric EMR systems offer several benefits, including improved patient outcomes, enhanced care coordination, and reduced healthcare costs and resource utilization. These systems also empower patients and encourage patient engagement by providing them with the tools they need to manage their care effectively.

Empowering Patients and Encouraging Patient Engagement:

Care plan-centric EMR systems empower patients and encourage patient engagement by giving them access to their medical information and tools for self-management. This can improve patient satisfaction and outcomes while reducing healthcare costs.

Transition to Care Plan-Centric EMR

To facilitate a smooth transition to care plan-centric EMR systems, healthcare organizations must provide adequate training and support to their staff. It is also essential to involve stakeholders in the implementation process to ensure their buy-in and commitment to the new system. Tools and techniques for data collection and analysis can be used to support care planning and coordination across the care continuum.


The shift from traditional EMR systems to care plan-centric EMR systems represents a significant step forward in healthcare delivery. By integrating care plans and pathways into EMR systems, healthcare providers can facilitate better collaboration across the care continuum, leading to improved patient outcomes, enhanced care coordination, and reduced costs. To succeed in this transition, healthcare organizations must provide adequate training and support to their staff and involve stakeholders from the beginning of the implementation process.

TRIARQ Health can help your independent medical specialty practice determine if your current EMR and practice management technology will help or hinder your practice’s transition to becoming more care plan-centric. Contact us today to find out more.