The TRIARQ Health Blog

Preserving Your Independence: How Managed Service Organizations Empower Physicians

Written by Marko Miktoski | Oct 25, 2023 7:19:00 PM

In the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, deciding between independent practice and employment with a healthcare system is a pivotal crossroads for many physicians. For many years, Managed Service Organizations (MSOs) have emerged as an alternative, offering a middle path that retains the autonomy of private practice while providing resources akin to those of an employed physician.

Finding an MSO that shares your commitment to remain independent is crucial for any provider who may be evaluating their practice’s future.

What to Look for in an MSO

Because MSOs offer access to similar tools and expertise that employed doctors have, it is important to align with one that understands and values the importance of maintaining independence in the healthcare industry.

1. Administrative and Regulatory Support

Healthcare is inundated with complex administrative and regulatory demands. From billing complexities to compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), these tasks can be overwhelming. An MSO provides a robust framework, helping physicians navigate these waters with expert teams dedicated to managing these aspects efficiently. This support is akin to what one might expect in an employed setting, where the administrative experience and expertise of a large Hospital-owned practice allow the physician to focus on patient care.

Why This Matters for Independence:

  • Customization: Independent physicians can make nimble decisions and tailor their administrative processes to their specific practice needs.
  • Personal Touch: Maintaining a smaller, more personal practice can enhance patient relationships and satisfaction.

2.  Access to Advanced Technology

Keeping up with technological advancements is critical but costly. MSOs can leverage economies of scale to provide state-of-the-art Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems, telehealth platforms, and diagnostic tools that might otherwise be prohibitive for a solo practitioner. This access mirrors the technological environment of a large healthcare employer, ensuring that independent physicians are not technologically disadvantaged.

Why This Matters for Independence:

  • Technology Choices: Physicians can choose which technologies they want to adopt, avoiding the one-size-fits-all approach of larger systems.
  • Adaptability: Independent practices can adopt and integrate new technologies more quickly as large, immovable IT infrastructures do not tie them down.

3. Networking and Collaborative Opportunities

One of the significant benefits of being employed by a large healthcare system is the inherent network of peers for collaboration and referral. MSOs replicate this advantage by creating a network of independent physicians, facilitating a referral system and peer collaboration that rivals larger employed settings.

Why This Matters for Independence:

  • Design Your Own Clinically Integrated Network: Independent physicians can forge stronger community ties and referral networks based on local needs and relationships.
  • Professional Autonomy: Doctors can collaborate, choosing colleagues and specialists based on patient needs and personal trust.

The Case for Independence

The offerings of MSOs for physicians who cherish their clinical and operational independence are extensive. They offer the tools and support typically found in large healthcare organizations while allowing doctors to maintain control over their practice and the care they provide. This autonomy can lead to higher job satisfaction, more personalized patient care, and the ability to quickly adapt to the community's needs.

Partnering with an MSO does not just provide a physician with the logistical and practical support necessary to thrive in today’s complex healthcare environment—it also makes a statement about the value of independence in medicine. It underscores a commitment to patient-centric care, where decisions are guided by the hands of the physicians who are closest to their patients rather than by the policies of distant administrators.

For those doctors who wish to stay at the helm of their medical practice while still benefiting from the tools and resources typically associated with larger healthcare systems, an MSO presents an attractive proposition. It allows them to weave the narrative of their professional lives without compromising on the quality of the healthcare tapestry they create for their patients.

TRIARQ Health stands firm in its commitment to bolstering independent practices as market dynamics evolve. Our practice management solutions aim to elevate a practice’s appeal to become providers of choice for patients, referral sources, and payers, always with an eye on preserving their independence and maximizing their revenue. Learn more today.