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Practice Optimization Consulting

TRIARQ works with independent specialty practices throughout the country. Although the specifics of each engagement may differ, our goal for all of them is the same: to help independent practices thrive.

Study after study has shown that both patients and healthcare professionals are happier, healthier, and have more money left in their pockets when associated with an independent medical practice. Yet the national and regional forces trying to shove these practices into large healthcare systems or PE-backed mega-practices are large and increasing.

Physician-owned practices had significantly fewer preventable readmissions than hospital-owned practices
Physician services delivered within health system cost
% to %
more than independent practices
Self-employed physicians can earn upwards of
more per year compared to their employed peers

We help independent practices stay independent.

The first deliverable in most engagements is a holistic assessment of the overall market environment and your practice's place in it. 

Revenue, cost, and physician remuneration baselines and trends.
Patient population flows and market share dynamics including competitive analysis.
Clinical pathways and patient journeys (both regional and within your practice).
Relationship mapping for primary care referrals, healthcare systems, post-acute care providers, and payers.
Revenue, cost, and physician remuneration baselines and trends.

We then partner with your practice to come up with a precise plan on how to best navigate these conditions to achieve your professional, clinical, and financial goals. 

Attracting patients, payers, and providers to build a "Goldilocks" sized practice.
Designing a modern patient experience for optimal care and satisfaction.
Implementing physician-led clinical pathways and care plans.
Scheduling and maximization of licensure in ways that improve productivity but preserve or enhance patient and physician satisfaction.
Increasing transparency and communication inside and outside the practice's four walls to improve outcomes and enable value-based contracts without sacrificing quality of care or your sanity.

TRIARQ brings our expertise from working with specialty practices across the US as well as operational heft for technology and back-office tasks. We can provide a-la-carte consulting on:

Performance Management
Integrated Care Networks
Regulatory Matters
Value-Based Programs
Revenue Cycle Management
Technology Services
  • EHRs
  • Interoperability
  • Dashboarding
  • Cloud Hosting


Download our eBook to learn why you should take steps to future-proof your specialty practice. 

Triarq Ebook Mockup copy 1