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How To Find a Supercharged Healthcare PM System

Electronic medical records (EMRs), or electronic health records (EHRs) as they are sometimes called, and practice management (PM) software are the backbones of a clinic. Many practices use a system that combines appointments, billing, and patient charts all in one place, which makes workflow more efficient. But as many services move online, patients expect better healthcare experiences. including digital access to their clinic and their own personal information.

To meet this demand, practices need a modern system that is more than just an EMR plus billing software. The right, supercharged healthcare practice management system includes these basic tools combined with a suite of additional services that makes compliance and administration easier. Here’s how to find a medical practice management system that supports a stronger practice and a better patient experience.

Choose a Cloud-Based EMR Platform

With cloud-based practice management tools, medical practices can quickly and easily access patient files anywhere, using only a computer or mobile device and the web. Not only does this ability lower expensive technology overhead, but it allows practices to upgrade their data security. Cloud-based healthcare PM systems also have a wide selection of pre-built tools and applications from which to choose. Look for solutions and tools that simplify patient care, like mobile patient portals, e-prescriptions, and patient reminders.


Many states now have mandatory e-prescribing regulations and many more are moving in that direction, so the healthcare PM system should include e-prescription software capabilities that integrate with the state prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP). Practitioners can review patient history, prescription compliance, and dosage trends, and send new prescriptions directly to the patient’s pharmacist of choice. This helps reduce errors and promotes patient safety.

Mobile App

A mobile app and patient portal help share information between patients and the clinic. Patients can access their personal health information, test results, and instructions directly from their secure portal. They can ask questions and share progress through secure messaging. In so doing, patients take ownership of their health and cut down on the need for phone calls.

Patients can also book appointments, share lab results or other documents, and request prescription refills from their phone or tablet. Not only do mobile apps add convenience and connection, but they act as patient self-serve systems that improve practice and staff workflows.

Patient Reminders

Missed appointments disrupt the clinic schedule and revenue cycle. Through a cloud-based EMR platform, and especially the mobile app, practices can send reminders to complete intake forms and payment methods and for upcoming appointments. These messages can cut down on data entry requirements, no-shows, and the cost of lost time and disruption in patient care.

Make Sure the Healthcare PM System Includes a Robust Medical Billing Service

Medical billing is critical to healthy practice management. Patients need a drama-free billing process with simple claims submissions and payment options. But practices also need a billing tool that provides revenue insight, makes claim collections and completion easier, and has simple ways to capture patient payment.

Ultra-Transparent Reporting

Practice management software handles a wealth of data. Look for a system that offers in-depth reporting on practice billing and performance. Features like monthly scorecards and customized reports can quickly show typical revenue sources, collections timelines, and cash flow.

Patient Mobile Credit Card Payment

More patients are used to paying online for services, so in today’s digital landscape, practices need mobile payment options. A healthcare PM system with a mobile app makes it easier for patients to pay their bills with a credit card right from the app and in the comfort of their own home. Practices can also keep credit card information on file and offer patients autopay or telepayments, methods that help clinics manage cash flow and collect payments faster.

Lockbox Services

Your staff has so much on their plate. Opening envelopes and depositing checks is not a good use of their time. TRIARQ’s Lockbox service handles this tedius administrative work for you and provides detailed accounting of the checks received including scanned copies of each for your records.

Tenacious Claims Collection Team

Tough claims are inevitable and every practice needs an aggressive follow-up system and well-trained accounts receivable staff to collect revenue. Many practice employees struggle to handle the stress of collecting past-due accounts, so a healthcare PM system with a dedicated claims team can relieve the pressure and improve the bottom line.

Look for a Suite of High-Value Practice Management Tools and Services

The last piece of a supercharged healthcare PM system is a suite of practice management tools and services. Of these, one of the most beneficial is the support and insight of a team of experts. Partnering with a management services organization (MSO) that provides tools like human resources support, payer credentialing, and care coordination services can help independent practices provide better patient care.

Performance Management Consulting

Performance management is a team of medical practice software and billing experts who sift through data and offer customized reports and strategic planning advice. This can include tracking the billing and coding processes and providing tips to improve revenue and patient experience. With performance experts, independent practices can access every dollar available.

Payer Credentialing

As patients now often refuse to use out-of-network providers, it’s important to contract with the most common providers in the practice area plus agencies like the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). However, credentialing is a time-consuming process. An MSO with credentialing services can help collect and certify documents and negotiate contracts with insurance companies.

Staffing Support

Busy practices don’t have time to recruit, hire, and train staff. An MSO partner with human resources services can find the right team and handle the onboarding, credentialing, and training. They should also offer tech support and training on how to use and maximize their software features.

Care Coordination Services

Organizing patient care with multiple practitioners is also complex. An MSO partner with an integrated care coordination program like QPathways can help practices streamline the process. In QPathways, practitioners input patient data into one care plan that automatically updates across the network. Practitioners can easily communicate with each other within the portal, leave notes within the patient plan, and directly access patient files and test results.

Modernize Practice Management with TRIARQ

Technology has transformed practice management over the years from paper files and fax machines to computer-based systems. But independent practices now need integrated systems that provide better ways to manage records and connect with patients.

A management services organization like TRIARQ offers the complete cloud-based EMR, medical billing, performance management, and care coordination solutions practices need — all in one place. Learn more about using TRIARQ services today.