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TRIARQ Health Presents: MIPS 2024 Webinar

In the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, staying ahead of regulatory changes is not just beneficial—it's imperative. That's why TRIARQ Health recently hosted a pivotal webinar focused on the MIPS (Merit-based Incentive Payment System) program as it stands for 2024. This session aimed to equip clinicians and healthcare practices with the necessary knowledge and tools to navigate CMS's MIPS program updates successfully.

Navigating MIPS in 2024: Insights and Support from TRIARQ Health's Latest Webinar

The healthcare sector is at a critical juncture, with 2023 serving as a foundation year for practices to attest to MIPS and prepare for the changes 2024 brings. Our goal? To ensure that our customers receive positive payment adjustments and continue to deliver quality patient care amidst the MIPS program updates.

This webinar aims to simplify the complexity of technical updates introduced by CMS, making them more digestible and approachable for all attendees. Furthermore, it spotlighted the newer, specialty-friendly MVP (MIPS Value Pathways) reporting option. This initiative represents a more connected quality care assessment through more intentional groupings of measures and activities alongside clinically relevant comparisons. With MVP set to become the mandatory reporting method, TRIARQ Health sets the stage for our clients to stay ahead of the curve.

Key Takeaways for Enhanced MIPS Participation

Even if you're not a current customer of TRIARQ Health, there are invaluable insights to gain from the webinar:

  1. Unwavering Support for MIPS Participation: TRIARQ Health is ready to back practices with comprehensive CSM support (where applicable), robust documentation, and the necessary information to excel in the MIPS program.
  2. Adaptation to New Reporting Methods: With many measure options now exclusive to MVP or removed entirely, TRIARQ Health has developed several MVPs to support practices in this transition. This ensures that clinicians can still report efficiently and effectively.  
  3. Future-Proofing with MVP: While Traditional MIPS reporting remains an option, the future direction is clear—MVP reporting will soon become the standard. TRIARQ Health is here to help practices adjust to this change, ensuring they're compliant and thriving under the new requirements.

TRIARQ Health: Your Ideal MIPS Partner

Navigating the complexities of MIPS requires more than just understanding the updates; it requires a partner equipped with the expertise and tools to facilitate success. The team of MIPS experts at TRIARQ Health is dedicated to guiding practices through these changes. With our support, practices can confidently select the most suitable measures/reporting methods, optimize workflows, and achieve successful reporting outcomes.

To gain valuable insights and strategies from our experts, click here to watch the video. With TRIARQ Health by your side, you can confidently navigate the MIPS program and achieve your reporting objectives.