We Want Your Practice to Thrive

TRIARQ HEALTH BELIEVES physician-led, patient-centered healthcare is the cornerstone of a cost-effective, quality-minded healthcare ecosystem.

That’s why we work with independent specialty practices to help them achieve their growth goals, improve their bottom line, and enhance their reputation as high-quality, patient-centered care providers.

For a limited time only, TRIARQ Health is offering to conduct a free financial assessment of your historic CMS practice’s claims data.

Data-Driven Decision Making

In today’s healthcare environment, data is essential for success.

To improve your practice’s financial performance and deliver high-quality, patient-centered care, data, and analytics should be critical in driving decision-making about your practice’s future.

By simply conducting a practice claims assessment, we help practices gain insights into their patient base, market dynamics, and areas of potential growth and future success.

TRIARQ Health’s free CMS claims assessment looks for areas of potential growth and future success.

Don’t leave money sitting on the table!

Download this case study

to see how we helped practices THRIVE and save $2.4M over five years.

424 East 4th Street
Suite #300
Royal Oak, MI 48067