Preparing for the New Era of Patient Consumerization

Preparing for the New Era of Patient Consumerization

Preparing for the New Era of Patient Consumerization Patients are customers now. This is an undeniable and recent truth that needs to be addressed by everyone in the medical field. Everyone knows companies like Zappos or Chick-Fil-A that seem to run their businesses...
6 Essentials to Look for in Clinical Billing Services

6 Essentials to Look for in Clinical Billing Services

6 Essentials to Look for in Clinical Billing Services Choosing a medical billing partner is a big decision.  Clinical billing services will be responsible for the financial foundation of your medical practice. They will handle the bulk of your billing through...
How To Succeed With BPCI

How To Succeed With BPCI

How To Succeed With BPCI BPCI (Bundled Payments for Care Improvement) is a value-based care initiative created by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) to help to improve the efficiency and efficacy of a patient’s care without sacrificing the quality of...
What’s the ROI of Patient Engagement?

What’s the ROI of Patient Engagement?

What’s the ROI of Patient Engagement? Let’s talk about ROI. Most have heard that term used a lot in marketing-speak, and everyone wants better ROI — even medical practices. But what is it? Simply put, it’s a comparison between the investment made and the return...